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This afternoon, PFT President Jerry Jordan shared the following with PFT members:

Dear PFT Members,

Our fight for fair and equitable education funding continues. And this year's budget, finished by the State Legislature last evening, did very little to get us there. It was a woefully inadequate budget that, amidst a $10B surplus in the state's coffers, passed up this potentially once in a lifetime opportunity to make serious investment in public education.

Instead, elected officials decided to put more money in their coffers to save for a 'rainy day.' This is an abject failure, and to call

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PHILADELPHIA—This afternoon, PFT President Jerry Jordan issued an updated legislative memo in response to the woefully inadequate "School Code" bill under consideration in Harrisburg.
President Jordan wrote, in part, "The PFT is deeply disappointed and concerned about the myriad failures in the current school code bill (SB381 A02135). This bill is, quite simply, shameful."

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To: Members of the PA State Senate

From: Jerry Jordan



The PFT is deeply disappointed and concerned about the myriad failures in the current school code bill (SB381 A02135). This bill is, quite simply, shameful. 


It’s shameful in what it does, and it is shameful in what it does not do.


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"74602","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"290","style":"width: 400px; height: 134px;","width":"868"}}]]PHILADELPHIA—"I thank and commend the brave leaders--Councilmember Helen GymBishop Dwayne Royster, and all of the faith leaders of POWER--for their unequivocal and unrelenting determination in fighting for equitable education funding. MORE

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June 17, 2021

To: Members of the PA State Senate

From: Jerry Jordan 

Re: OPPOSITION TO SB1; Position on Amendments 


The PFT remains in opposition to SB1. 

No introduced amendment changes our position. However, there are many amendments that are worthy of consideration as standalone bills, and we have provided an overview of our positions below.


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June 14, 2021


To: Members of the General Assembly

From: Jerry Jordan 



The PFT remains in absolute opposition to SB1.