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PFT Member E-Mail Listserv Form

If you are a current member not receiving PFT e-mails, let us know what's going on and we will work to resolve it asap! Simply fill out the form.

PFT-School District of Philadelphia Collective Bargaining Agreement 2021-2024 (PDF)

Tip: Press Control+F (or Command+F for Macs) on your keyboard to search the contract.

The searchable contract is organized by chapters, called Articles, which have titles to help you find the information you need. Articles have Sections and Sub-Sections, and at the end of the contract is a lengthy Index to help locate specific information. The contract also includes Side Letters, which amplify or explain additional agreements between the PFT and District, Appendices and Salary Schedules.

Salary Schedules [Updated


Healthy Schools Tracker app

Download from the Apple App Store | Download from the Google Play Store

With this smartphone application, school staff will be able to submit real-time descriptions and images of problems they see in their buildings directly to the PFT. We will be sharing these submissions with the District, and tracking the progress of repairs. 

A Guide to the PFT Healthy Schools Tracker App

What is the app? Is it free? What kind of information can be submitted?

  • The PFT Healthy Schools Tracker Mobile App allows users to identify and report specific problems with building conditions in schools.
  • Conditions such as
September 21, 2021 PHILADELPHIA—In response to numerous concerns reported by school nurses, teachers, and other school staff, the PFT issued two surveys to analyze the issues and offer recommendations based on feedback from school nurses and our entire membership. One survey, which took place from September 14-20, 2021, was a member-wide survey completed by 4,250 members. The second survey, for school nurses only, took place from September 15-20, 2021 and was completed by 97 school nurses. The responses are a glaring indication that a series of course corrections, including those for which we have previously advocated, must be immediately implemented. MORE
After PFTHW director of environmental science Jerry Roseman was denied access to Frankford High School to evaluate an urgent mold growth situation, which PFT brought to the District's attention, PFT President Jerry Jordan issued the following statement MORE
September 9, 2021 PHILADELPHIA—"Amidst a surge of the even more transmissible 'Delta' strain of COVID-19 and amidst surges in childhood infections--against the backdrop of the majority of our students not even yet eligible for vaccination--the District's nursing shortage and related failures are especially dangerous. "This nation has, rightfully, lauded the incredible efforts of our healthcare professionals throughout this pandemic. And yet, in the School District of Philadelphia, nurse vacancies abound, leaving our young people and school communities vulnerable. MORE
September 1, 2021 PHILADELPHIA—"I was absolutely thrilled this evening to present our members with one of the strongest agreements in recent memory. It was the first on time agreement reached since before the SRC-era. This three-year tentative agreement was hard fought and brought us to the brink of a strike. This agreement is an incredibly strong step towards a more promising tomorrow for public education in Philadelphia. I am incredibly proud of the work this union has done in setting the agenda for an equitable public education system in our great city. MORE