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Pennsylvania Elected Officials are Saying YES to Public Education and NO to Vouchers

Elected Officials are signing on to show their full support for public education and their rejection of vouchers. Below is a (growing!) list of elected allies who have added their names so far. Check our social media pages for graphics!

State Senators

  • Senator James Brewster
  • Senator Amanda Cappelletti
  • Senator Maria Collett
  • Senator Carolyn Comitta
  • Senator Jay Costa
  • Senator Marty Flynn
  • Senator Wayne Fontana
  • Senator Vincent Hughes
  • Senator John Kane
  • Senator Tim Kearney
  • Senator Nick Miller
  • Senator Katie Muth
  • Senator Nikil Saval
  • Senator Sharif Street
  • Senator Christine Tartaglione
  • Senator Lindsey Williams

State Representatives

  • Representative Anthony Bellmon
  • Representative Jessica Benham
  • Representative Ryan Bizzarro
  • Representative Lisa Borowski
  • Representative Heather Boyd
  • Representative Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz
  • Representative Melissa Cerrato
  • Representative Joe Ciresi
  • Representative Mary Jo Daley
  • Representative Tina Davis
  • Representative Jason Dawkins
  • Representative Dan Deasy
  • Representative Kyle Donahue
  • Representative Elizabeth Fiedler
  • Representative Justin Fleming
  • Representative Dan Frankel
  • Representative Robert Freeman
  • Representative Paul Friel
  • Representative Danielle Friel Otten
  • Representative Roni Green
  • Representative Patrick Harkins
  • Representative Carol Hill-Evans
  • Representative Joe Hohenstein
  • Representative Kristine Howard
  • Representative Mary Isaacson
  • Representative Carol Kazeem
  • Representative Malcolm Kenyatta
  • Representative Tarik Khan
  • Representative Emily Kinkead
  • Representative Rick Krajewski
  • Representative Leanne Krueger
  • Representative Maureen Madden
  • Representative Dave Madsen
  • Representative Steve Malagari
  • Representative Brandon Markosek
  • Representative Robert Matzie
  • Representative La’Tasha D. Mayes
  • Representative Joe McAndrew
  • Representative Jeanne McNeill
  • Representative Bob Merski
  • Representative Dan Miller
  • Representative Kyle Mullins
  • Representative Brian Munroe
  • Representative Jennifer O'Mara
  • Representative Nick Pisciottano
  • Representative Eddie Day Pashinski
  • Representative Lindsay Powell
  • Representative Tarah Probst
  • Representative Chris Rabb
  • Representative Michael Schlossberg
  • Representative Joshua Siegel
  • Representative Izzy Smith-Wade-El
  • Representative Jared Solomon
  • Representative Mandy Steele
  • Representative Paul Takac
  • Representative Ben Waxman
  • Representative Joe Webster
  • Representative Dan Williams

City Councilmembers

  • Council Majority Leader Katherine Gilmore Richardson
  • Council Majority Whip Isaiah Thomas
  • Council Minority Leader Kendra Brooks
  • Council Minority Whip Nicolas O'Rourke
  • Councilmember Nina Ahmad
  • Councilmember Jamie Gauthier
  • Councilmember Rue Landau

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